Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards recognise individuals and organisations for their outstanding contributions to multiculturalism and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in Western Australia.

Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025 — nominations now open  

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Submit your nominations now!

Nominations for the Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025 are now being accepted.

Nominations can be made across ten categories that celebrate multiculturalism in WA: 

  1. Outstanding Individual Achievement Award 
  2. Youth Award 
  3. Community Organisation Awards 
    i. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Community Associations 
    ii. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Community Service Organisations 
    iii. General Community Service Organisations 
  4. Premier's Public Sector Award 
  5. Business Award 
  6. Local Government Award 
  7. Artist of the Year Award 
  8. Sportsperson of the Year Award 
  9. Laksiri Jayasuriya Lifetime Community Service Award 
  10. Sir Ronald Wilson Leadership Award.

 The Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025 will be presented at a gala ceremony on Friday 14 March 2025 to launch Harmony Week 2025.

Nominations close at 11:59pm on Monday 27 January 2025.

Who can submit a nomination?

  • Nominations are invited from any member of the Western Australian community.  
  • Self-nominations for individual categories are not accepted. Please check the eligibility criteria for each award.  

Who can be nominated?

  • Nominations must meet the eligibility requirements and selection criteria for the category. 
  • You can nominate the same person or organisation for more than one category, but they can only receive one award. 
  • Past winners of a Multicultural Award are eligible for an award in the same category, but not for the same project. 
  • In the individual categories, nominees will not be eligible for awards recognising achievements that were directly related to their employment in the public sector. 
  • The Office of Multicultural Interests may move a nomination into another category if deemed more appropriate.  

What do I need to make a nomination?

  • You will be asked a series of questions to support your nomination.
  • All nominations must include contact information for two referees. 
  • You may attach up to five additional materials to support your nomination, for example news articles, videos or referee statements. 
  • Nominees must agree to make themselves available for media and publicity purposes as required (without fees) both before and after the awards presentation, and consent to their curriculum vitae/résumé and photographs being used for promotional purposes.
  • The Office of Multicultural Interests reserves the right to ask for further information and to make additional enquiries.  

Selection and eligibility criteria 

Access the selection and eligibility criteria for each award category. 

If you have any questions regarding the selection or eligibility criteria, please contact the Office of Multicultural Interests:  
Phone: 61 8 6552 7300 
Email: harmony@omi.wa.gov.au

Definition of CaLD for the purposes of these awards

The term ‘culturally and linguistically diverse’ (CaLD) is generally applied to groups and individuals who differ according to religion, language and ethnicity and whose ancestry is other than Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Anglo Saxon or Anglo Celtic.  

Definition of a CaLD community association  

To be classified as a culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) community association, the association must demonstrate and provide evidence that they meet the following criteria:  

  • the association is incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporation Act 2015
  • the objectives of the association (in the association's constitution or rules) clearly state that it is specifically established to represent and promote the interests of a CaLD community with a shared country/continent of ancestry, ethnicity, culture, language or religion. 
  • the management committee or board of the association predominantly reflects the intended CaLD community and is elected by members of that community to represent the community. 
  • the association's membership comprises individuals or other groups representative of that CaLD community.  

Definition of a CaLD community service organisation 

To be classified as a culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) community service organisation, the organisation must demonstrate and provide evidence that they meet the following criteria: 

  • the association is incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporation Act 2015, or is a not-for-profit organisation based in Western Australia. 
  • the objectives of the organisation (in the organisation's Constitution or Rules) clearly state that it is specifically established for and its core business and focus is to either:
    1. provide support and deliver services and programs to CaLD communities; or
    2. represent and advocate for the interests of CaLD communities 
  • the organisation has ongoing operational resourcing and employs paid staff 
  • the management committee or Board and staffing profile of the organisation reflects CaLD communities, and it has a commitment to workforce training in cultural competency.
  • the organisation has internal policies and procedures that demonstrate a commitment to multiculturalism and cultural diversity.

Judging process 

An independent judging panel will be appointed by the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests to identify winners.  Judging will be based on the response to the nomination questions. 

The Office of Multicultural Interests reserves the right to ask for further information and to make additional inquiries.  
The judging panel may move a nomination into another category, if deemed more appropriate. The decision of the judges is final. No further correspondence will be entered into.   


Personal information provided to the Office of Multicultural Interests will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. 

Previous winners

More information on the previous award winners.

Have any questions regarding the WA Multicultural Awards? 

Please contact the Office of Multicultural Interests 
Phone: 61 8 6552 7300
Email: harmony@omi.wa.gov.au

Page reviewed 14 January 2025