Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards recognise individuals and organisations for their outstanding contributions to multiculturalism and culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in Western Australia.

Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025

Premier Roger Cook

Message from Hon Roger Cook MLA
Premier of Western Australia

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards is an opportunity to shine a light on the contributions and achievements of worthy nominees, each with unique backgrounds, experiences, skills and achievements.

What these award winners have in common is a shared passion and dedication to promoting multiculturalism and supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities of Western Australia.

Whether you have visited the Welcome Walls in Fremantle, experienced the incredible atmosphere of a vibrant culturally diverse festival like Diwali or made businesses or trade connections that opened the door to a broader global network, it is clear that cultural and linguistic diversity is an integral component of Western Australia’s identity.

Our society’s rich cultural mosaic is made up of people from a range of cultures, traditions, beliefs and heritage, which offers the chance for everyone to share and benefit from these diverse perspectives.

Through avenues such as business, education, health and sport, the many contributions of our culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities are an invaluable part of Western Australia’s success.

The Cook Labor Government regards cultural diversity as a source of great strength and something that deserves to be proudly celebrated.

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards allow us to honour outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations whose work in the areas of leadership, art and community service is positively impacting CaLD communities and highlighting the immense and wide-reaching value of multiculturalism in WA.

I would like to thank everyone who selflessly offers their energy, time and talents to invest in the growth of our CaLD communities and advocate for multiculturalism in Western Australia. Your commitment and efforts are much appreciated, respected and admired.

I commend all the nominees and winners of the 2025 Western Australia Multicultural Awards.

This is a celebration for not only the well-deserving award winners but also all Western Australians, with their incredible efforts helping to pave the way for future generations to continue to thrive as part of the flourishing CaLD communities of Western Australia


Hon Roger Cook MLA
Premier of Western Australia

DR Tony Buti

Message from Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA
Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests

It is a pleasure to come together this evening to celebrate the many individuals and communities that are such a key part of our extraordinary multicultural State. 

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025 showcases individuals and organisations excelling in fields such as health, art, sport and education across a wide range of communities. 

Our nominees tonight represent and support a huge cross-section of our society, highlighting the significant role multiculturalism plays in our State. 

We are fortunate to have people, originating from all over the world, call Western Australia home, bringing their unique experiences and points of view. This allows for a diversity of ideas, and creates the building blocks for a robust and inclusive society that everyone can participate in. 

The Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025 ceremony also launches Harmony Week, which is a chance for all Western Australians to celebrate our vibrant culturally diverse communities and multicultural state. 

Tonight, we come together and recognise the achievements individuals, community associations and organisations that are advocating at a grassroots level for equity and inclusion and addressing the needs of our culturally and linguistically diverse communities. 

The nominees for these prestigious awards work tirelessly to address the needs of their communities in ways that benefit us all. It is important to acknowledge that many of these nominees are volunteers, who are often called upon to serve community members and speak for their communities - work which largely goes unrecognised but makes a vital difference. 

I would like to commend and congratulate all nominees of the Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2025.

Your commitment to multiculturalism and contributions to the society help make Western Australia the greatest place to live, work and play, and for this we thank you.


Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA
Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests

Previous winners

More information on the previous award winners.

Have any questions regarding the WA Multicultural Awards? 

Please contact the Office of Multicultural Interests 
Phone: 61 8 6552 7300
Email: harmony@omi.wa.gov.au

Page reviewed 20 March 2025