Educational resources

These web-based education materials enable school students and their teachers to take part in practical classroom activities that explore and raise awareness of issues related to multiculturalism, human rights, racism and discrimination.

Australian Human Rights Commission—RightsED

The Australian Human Rights Commission human rights education resources for teachers—RightsED—helps students develop a critical understanding of human rights and responsibilities, as well as the attitudes, behaviours and skills to apply them in everyday life.

Most resources and activities are for secondary students, although some are suitable for younger students (10 years plus). 

Australian Multicultural Foundation

The Australian Multicultural Foundation develops intercultural initiatives through consultation with community organisations, institutions, other foundations and government agencies. Its website offers extensive information on projects, research, events and archival material.

Suitable for secondary and university levels.

BBC World Service—Understanding Human Rights

A teaching resource that explains the universal principles of human rights through case studies from around the world. Use the case studies to provide structured classroom discussion on the issue of human rights. 

Suitable for secondary school students.

The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

The Constitutional Centre of WA was established to encourage everyone to learn more about how our political system works and how to participate in it more fully. The website offers online exhibitions and teaching material on constitutional matters.

Suitable for upper primary and secondary school students.

Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC)—Training for community organisations, schools and the community

The EOC's Human Rights Community Education Program aims to build awareness and understanding about human rights, and skills in exercising those rights in WA across a diverse range of communities. The EOC can give community information sessions, forums and workshops on request.

Suitable for secondary school students.

Foundation House—The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (VFST)

VFST provides a range of services to people from refugee backgrounds who have survived torture or trauma. Publications and resources enhance understanding of the needs of people from refugee backgrounds and encompass health and wellbeing, school and education resources, and curriculum material.

Suitable for secondary school and university levels.

Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)

Reports on The Impact of Racism upon the Health and Wellbeing of Young Australians 2009 and Building Bridges: Creating a Culture of Diversity are available from the publications section of FYA's website.

FYA is aimed at teenages, school leavers and those just entering the workforce.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission—Voices of Australia education module

This module enables students to increase their awareness about experiences of diversity, discrimination, race relations, friendship and respect.

The teaching and learning activities are applicable for upper primary Civics and Citizenship, and lower secondary Civics and Citizenship, English, Personal Development and Arts.

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission—Face the Facts 2012

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's Face the Facts 2012 provides clear factual information about immigrants, refugees and Indigenous peoples.

Making Multicultural Australia

This detailed website helps upper primary and secondary school students, parents, teachers and the wider community to explore our cultural diversity. Find out about the contributions made by diverse cultural groups to the development of Australian society, and about views on immigration and multiculturalism that have influenced Australian government policies and programs.

MediaSmarts—Perceptions of visible minorities

Lessons from Canada-based MediaSmarts (previously Media Awareness Network) increase student awareness of how media portrayal of minorities can affect attitudes towards minority groups in our society.

Suitable for upper primary and secondary school students.

Racism No Way—Anti-racism education for Australian schools

This website offers a range of teachers' resources targeted at students in upper primary and secondary schools and includes anti-racism activities, e-challenges, fact sheets, interviews and guides on school planning. Racism No Way is managed by the NSW Department of Education and Training.

The Refugee Council of Australia

The Refugee Council of Australia is the national umbrella body for refugees and the organisations and individuals who support them. Its website offers extensive resources on refugee and asylum-seeker issues including fact sheets, statistics, research reports, personal stories and submissions to government inquiries.

Suitable for students at secondary school and university levels.

Reporting Diversity Project

Reporting Diversity was a partnership project between the Journalism Education Association and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and incorporated several university and community organisations. The project aims to raise awareness in the journalism industry and among the general public of fair and appropriate reporting of issues concerning community diversity.

Suitable for students at university level. 

SBS Learn

SBS Learn is an online hub housing all SBS outreach initiatives including school resources supporting My Grandmothers Lingo, The Boat, Go Back Where You Came From and most recently First Contact and Servant or Slave.

United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)—Educational Resources for Teachers

UNHCR Educational Resources for Teachers offers books, games, pamphlets, brochures and educational kits to assist learning about refugee experiences.


Page reviewed 19 November 2020