All things African come to Perth – Africa Week

Celebrating WA's many African communities
27 Aug 2021

Growing in size and scope every year, Australia-Africa Week is an opportunity to celebrate the many ties between Australia and countries across the African continent.

Running from Monday 30 August to Sunday 5 September this year, Australia–Africa Week is a fascinating chance to discover a taste of the cultures, skills and activities of many Western Australian communities from African backgrounds.

This year, there is an opportunity to cheer for a football team, celebrate award-winning achievers and hear from WA’s first MP of African descent.

This is also the first time the world celebrates the International Day for People of African Descent on 31 August.

The week lifts off with the UWA Africa Research & Engagement Centre’s annual Samuel M Makinda Africa Public Lecture on Monday 30 August. Hon Ayor Chuot MLC will deliver the lecture on Resilience in African-Australian Communities.

A major highlight will be the WA African Community Awards Gala 2021 on Thursday 4 September, where attendees will celebrate the achievements of young people, innovators, business leaders, community leaders and champions from WA’s diverse African communities.

Other events include the Africa Down Under Football Cup on Thursday 2 September in Langley Park. Teams from across Perth’s African communities will be competing, and supporters are welcome!

The annual weeklong event celebrates WA’s many African communities and the relationship between Africa and Western Australia. 

Western Australia is home to more than 101,200 Africa-born people, which makes up about 4.1 per cent of the State's total population.

Page reviewed 20 October 2020