The performance of Layla Majnun, based on a timeless epic
dating from 12th century Persia, brings together traditional Persian
storytelling with contemporary visuals and original music.
play has been recreated as an hour-long one-man performance featuring
acclaimed Farsi scholar and storyteller Feraidoon Mojadedi from the US.
in the production's core team—producer, projection and sound designers,
stage manager and community engagement lead—come from Perth's
culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
"We wanted to
make sure that the mainstream arts are representative of the social
fabric of WA," said creative producer Zainab Sayed.
"In order to
tell this story authentically—as the story is so beloved by cultures
across the Muslim world—it was important to make sure the team putting
the show together also came from diverse backgrounds. It meant they
understood the nuances of culture and art represented in the story."

Zainab explained that Layla Majnun is an exciting new theatrical experience for Perth audiences.
play will bring many firsts for Western Australia. It's the first
production rooted in traditional knowledge—its rigorous and authentic in
its reimagining of a Persian tale.
"It has never been done like
this before in the world, as far as we know. Stories like this are
usually passed on through generations, through storytelling.
production is an opportunity to bring Feraidoon Mojadedi's traditional
style of Persian storytelling into the theatre—it offered us the
possibility to recreate the story in a way that can be shared with a
wider audience," Zainab said.
Layla Majnun is the centrepiece of a four-day
arts festival featuring food, entertainment and activities for all ages
6+ at Subiaco Arts Centre from Wednesday 2 to Saturday 5 October.