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The Chinese Mums Association held its first Kids Flea Market on 7 November at Mount Pleasant Primary School.

“We wanted to teach our kids about environmental responsibility and help them to learn organisational skills, as well as connecting with the local community”, said Mrs Jing Chen, founder of the association.

The market drew 55 families to set up stalls offering pre-loved and unwanted items for sale—some large and some small, others used or still unopened.

“The children were encouraged to be merchants for the day, and learned all about presenting, pricing and promoting their items.”

The market was buzzing as kids negotiated prices, worked on striking deals with interested customers, or organised exchanging goods.

“They've learned a great lesson about how to turn unwanted items into goodies in a fun way, while taking their own steps to protect the environment.”

Mount Pleasant Primary School sponsored the event. Parents hope that the flea market will become a feature of each term at the school.

Comments included “Thanks for organising this fabulous event—our daughter had a great time working her stall, catching up with friends, and spending some of her takings”.

Page reviewed 08 August 2024