Harmony Week

Harmony Week is an opportunity for all Western Australians to celebrate our vibrant multicultural State.

Harmony Week 2023 Banner


The week runs from 15 to 21 March every year and encourages everyone to experience, explore and appreciate WA's wealth of cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

Harmony Week is a State Government multicultural community relations initiative.​​

Why does orange represent Harmony Week??

Orange has been the Harmony Week colour since the first event was held in 1999.

Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

Wearing something orange during Harmony Week shows support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia.



Social Media

How to use Selfie Frame: Download the frame and open it in your chosen photo editor. Then paste your image neatly inside the frame (you might need to crop or resize your image to make it fit).


Harmony Week grants 

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) offers grants of $2,000 to support community-led activities promoting and celebrating multiculturalism in Western Australia for inclusion in its annual Harmony Week campaign. 

Information about applying for a Harmony Week grant, can be found here: Harmony Week grants

The list of successful applicants for Harmony Week 2024 can be found here: Harmony Week grant recipients 2024

Useful links

Explore the following resources to inspire your Harmony Week activities. 

Food, Faith and Love in WA

Find out how the themes of food, faith and love can touch us and shape the direction of our lives.

Voices in Harmony playlist

Give your Harmony Week events the sound and spirit of harmony with this playlist of local culturally and linguistically diverse music.

Discover Multicultural Perth

Find out how WA's many culturally and linguistically diverse communities have shaped Perth and made it into the vibrant city it is today.

Department of Home Affairs Harmony Week Resources

Page reviewed 23 January 2025